eSignature – Overview and Implementation Guide
Why we do it
he onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the inefficiencies inherent in traditional paper-based processes, especially when it comes to signing and approving contracts using handwritten signatures. The delays caused by such practices have underscored the critical need to transition to more agile and efficient solutions, particularly in the realm of digital signatures (eSignature). In response to this imperative, the project “eSignature – Overview and Implementation Guide” is initiated with the goal of empowering organizations to seamlessly adopt digital signature processes. The overarching aim is to facilitate a pragmatic shift towards eSignatures, recognizing that digitalization is incomplete without embracing modern, streamlined methods of contract approval.
How we do it
Acknowledging the potential challenges and information overload that organizations may face when venturing into the implementation of eSignatures, this project adopts a strategic approach to simplify the transition. The focus is on providing clear, vendor-neutral material that serves as a valuable resource for organizations aiming for a quick start in eSignature implementation. The comprehensive white paper being developed will offer an insightful overview of the eSignature landscape, addressing fundamental questions such as the legal binding nature of eSignatures, principles of good governance, the existence of vendor lists, and a nuanced analysis of the pros and cons associated with specific vendors. By consolidating lessons learned from other companies, the project aims to distill essential insights that will guide organizations through a successful and informed implementation of eSignature processes.
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