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Liquid Legal Vol 3 - Humanization and the Law
All books in our Liquid Legal Springer series are listed below
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LAWYER WELL-BEING: Von „Bist du verrückt?“ zum „Corporate Health Award – Sonderpreis Legal“ in vier Akten.
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Liquid Experience Calls
Our Liquid Experience Calls (LECs) are well-moderated, high-intensity events to discuss latest trends and topics. A panel of well-known experts discusses a previously defined topic and interacts with the moderator, Roger Strathausen, PhD. The discussions are fueled by controversial perspectives and insights. Usually the public audience cannot raise questions or ask questions, however, there are lively debates going on in parallel in the chat.
All LECs are recorded and uploaded in our YouTube channel, see LLI at YouTube:
Legal & Marketing - Friends Or Foes?
Sustainability – Is It Sustainable?
to gender-inclusive writing (English)
Listen to the recordings of our Liquid Experience Calls – coming soon, watch this space.Â

Lawyer Wellbeing and Corporate Health
In the second episode of our LECARE podcast, our CEO Zoë Andreae talks to Kai Jacobs (Partner @ KPMG Law) and Dierk Schindler (VP & Head of Corporate Legal Services, Mobility Solutions, Supply Chain & Logistics at Bosch), both Co-CEOs of the Liquid Legal Institute e.V.. (LLI), about the health challenges of the legal industry, a study on Lawyer Wellbeing launched by Kai and Dierk at LLI, and the Special Legal Award of the Corporate Health Awards, which honors special commitment to corporate health in the legal industry.
DIKE: Digitales Ökosystem Recht
In this episode, we talk to Kai Jacob and Dr. Bernhard Waltl from the Liquid Legal Institute about one of the Liquid Legal Institute's biggest heartfelt issues: the Common Legal Platform (CLP). What might such a platform look like? And what role does Gaia-X play in it? We clarify these and more questions in our podcast episode with Kai and Bernhard!
Die Transformation von Legal
Viel hat sich bewegt in den letzten Jahren im Bereich Legal. Sei es bei Legal Inhouse Bereichen oder gar Law Firms. Neue Businessbereiche haben sich aufgetan, Arbeitsweisen haben sich geändert, die Geschwindigkeit hat angezogen. Nur was sind die Trends und die größten Roadblocks auf den Weg die Rechtsabteilung der Zukunft zu gestalten? Das bespricht René Esteban, Gründer der Transformations-Beratung FocusFirst® mit Roger Strathausen, Transformation-Leader, Co-Founder und Aufsichtsratsmitglied von Liquid Legal Institute e.V., eine Non-profit Organisation mit dem Ziel die Zukunft von Legal zu gestalten.
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