Commissioned research

Research and development

Our community of legal professionals, technology specialists, and business strategists is dedicated to support and execute during fundamental and applied research. As a neutral organization, we can connect demand and offerings for bespoke projects that are tailored to specific needs.

Our goal is to support you staying ahead of the curve in today’s rapidly changing legal landscape, by providing you with the tools, processes, and people you need to succeed. We offer a range of services, including consulting, technology solutions, strategic partnerships, and access to communities.

Our expertise covers the full spectrum of innovation for legal: from legal operations, legal design, legal technology, to business strategy and models.

We have particular focus on a wide range of topics, including

  • Strategy and alignment,
  • research and advice for the digital transformation of legal,
  • legal tech tools and platforms,
  • process management,
  • organizational design,
  • project and change management,
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) for legal,
  • and many more.

Technology transfer

We are excited to offer  Technology Transfer in the context of Legal Innovation, which aims to bridge the gap between legal and tech research and industry by facilitating the transfer of knowledge and expertise from researchers to practitioners.

Our Technology Transfer program is designed to provide legal professionals with access to cutting-edge research and developments in legal technology. This will allow them to stay up to date with the latest trends and make informed decisions about the implementation of technology in their practice. Our program offers a range of innovative topics including blockchain, smart contracts, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

Our program is structured around three key pillars – process, people, and technology. We focus on the processes involved in technology transfer, ensuring that legal professionals have access to the latest research and developments in legal technology. We also focus on the people involved in the transfer of knowledge, providing networking opportunities and a community of like-minded individuals. Finally, we focus on the technology itself, ensuring that legal professionals have access to the latest technology and are equipped to use it effectively.

At the Liquid Legal Institute, we believe that technology transfer is crucial for the advancement of legal innovation. Our Technology Transfer program is designed to help legal professionals stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about the implementation of technology in their practice. Join us today and be a part of the future of legal practice.

Liquid Legal Summit 2024

Current issues such as decreasing enrollments, a lack of essential skills, inefficient processes, and digital disparities in justice indicate a deep-rooted crisis. Accelerated by AI developments, these problems particularly impact copyright and regulatory aspects of the legal sector. These topics will be discussed at the Liquid Legal Summit on July 4 at the Kameha Grand Hotel in Bonn, focusing on joint efforts to tackle these challenges.